Our Man In Havana by Graham Greene

"As comical, satirical, atmospherical an"entertainment" as he has given us." --Daily Telegraph. "No serious writer of this century has more thoroughly invaded and shaped the public imagination than did Graham Greene." --Time. "He had a sharp nose for trouble and injustice. In Our Man In Havana -- a witty send-up of an agent's life -- it was Cuba before Castro." --Financial Times

Wormold, a vacuum cleaner salesman, was short of money. His daughter had reached an expensive age -- so he accepted Hawthorne's offer of $300-plus a month and became Agent 59200/5, M. I.6's man in Havana. To keep the job, Wormold pretends to recruit sub-agents and sends fake stories. Then the stories start coming disturbingly true.

12.50 BND